By Og Vand

Export supporting initiatives

3VAND is a strategic collaboration between the leading water utilities in Denmark - situated in the three biggest cities in Denmark: Aarhus Vand (Aarhus), Vandcenter Syd (Odense), Hofor and Biofos (both Copenhagen). 3VAND International wants to support Danish export of water technology in the best possible way.

Internationalt Samarbejde

The main goals of 3VAND International

The goal is to create an international knowledge and innovation network to the benefit of our clients by delivering better quality of services and to support and contribute to higher export of Danish water technology.

The Danish Water Vision states: “In 2025, Denmark is a world leader in the field of water technology”. As a world leader in intelligent, sustainable and efficient water solutions, Denmark is expected to have doubled its export and created 4,000 new jobs.

3VAND International wants to support Danish export of water technology in the best possible way. The four partners in 3VAND have a common vision for our export supporting initiatives. In other words, 3VAND's Danish water and wastewater experts are at the disposal of the entire water and wastewater industry.
Indien Peterfischer Large

Three roles for 3VAND International

3VAND serves as a waterambassador by presenting and showcasing water and wastewater facilities and creating networks abroad with focus on the Danish watermodel to promote the export of Danish water technology.

The 3VAND cooperation is a waterinnovator as it develops an international knowledge and innovation network to demonstrate new technology resulting in solutions of a high quality and, in the long term, lower consumer prices.

Last, 3VAND is a supplier of services with the offer of specific services within optimisation of operations and maintenance, management, processes and control to companies in the water sector, thus supporting the efforts to increase the export of Danish solutions.
Ejby Mølle

Download the 3VAND brochure

Learn more about the 3VAND strategic collaboration and our work with sustainable water, wastewater management and climate.

3VAND Brochure
WTA Chicago

Aarhus Vand's role and geographical interest

The four partners in 3VAND have different roles and different geographical interests but a large potential for synergies.

Aarhus Vand has contributed with the establishment of a Water Technology Alliance (WTA) in Chicago, California and Europe. Aarhus Vand lends out employees to US and EU alliances in cooperation with other water businesses and the Trade Council. Also, Aarhus Vand is a member of the Water Environment Research Foundation Board (WERF).
Vandpartner Kort

Vandcenter Syd's role and geographical interest

Vandcenter Syd participate in several projects as a supplier of services to contractors and consultants.

They have a seat on the Research Council at WERF and are a member of Wetsus, the European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology.

Last they have strategic cooperations with PUB in Singapore and Alexandria Renew in Virginia, USA.
Underjordisk Bassin

Hofor's role and geographical interest

Hofor showcases and presents reference facilities for both official and VIP tours.

They have a focus on supporting the City of Copenhagen in their cooperation with Beijing and New York.

Last, they participate in CLEAN, 3GF and C40 initiatives.
København By

Biofos' role and geographical interest

Much like Hofor, Biofos also showcases and presents reference facilities for both official and VIP tours and have a focus on supporting the City of Copenhagen in their cooperation with Beijing.

Besides, they focus on the technological development with Danish and international partners through POWERSTEP, which is a Horizon-2020 technological development project.